I have been looking forward to our day on thinking. I enjoy the discussion that critical thinking and critical literacy promote in my reading groups. The points that Dorothy brought up about our students being online were so valuable, even at Year 5 and we have so many of our students in a vulnerable position online. I really enjoyed hearing how the critical thinking aspects of Maniakalani’s pedagogy support students to be smart online. Teaching critical thinking is more important now than it ever has been before.
I am looking forward to exploring Adobe Express podcasting, and will put text to voice. I think it will be great to introduce after some of our students having taken part in a podcasting workshop last term, we will be able to continue to use those oral language skills and recording skills.
It was good to go back to see the progress of thinking from literal through to the higher-order thinking skills. It was a chance to think about the difference between interpretive questions and evaluative questions, I often find it challenging to be certain of the difference between these, but I like the point that Naomi made about evaluative questions often having an element of interpretation within them.
At the end we were given the opportunity to reflect on what aspects we will use over the next few weeks to develop higher order thinking. While I would love to focus on developing all areas, I feel with the time it takes to implement new learning I am going to start by focusing on a couple of aspects. I will target the pre-reading activities and the provocations during guided reading, using these to support our focus on extended discussions. I really liked the example of the bungy jumping pre-reading activities as they gave students some prior knowledge of the topic and a chance to think about the topic more critically prior to needing to share their ideas with others. I hope this also gives students more confidence to share by feeling more prepared and having the opportunity to process ideas.
Today I felt like we were given some valuable resources that I'm able to take back to use in the classroom, as well as being given opportunities to think and plan ideas for coming weeks. The lesson on the Cave Poem was great for figurative language and I think I will have a go with this later in the term.
I am looking forward to using the analysing figurative language activity. I am going to use this in a couple of weeks when we start to look at advertising.