We began the day learning about hangouts, then joined a hangout with Lenva to learn more about the Pedagagy behind the Learn (Ako) aspect of Learn, Create, Share.
We learn about:
Recognise - recognising effective teaching practice
Amplifying - empowered, connected, visibale and ubiquitius learning.
Turbocharging - transforming learning by offering new expereinces and opportunities that we not previously possbily.
I have learnt many tips and tricks to help with optimishing my workflow such as, using google hangouts, google keep, gmail, calender, and tab organisation with Toby.
I am looking forward to using goog keep. I can see how it will be useful for work organisation but also creating resources. I am going to try making a Cloze activity using the text that the students are reading that week as cloze actvities are an area we have identified that students need more practice in.
We learnt how to arrange a meeting via hangouts. Lucy are I are going to try having our PRT meeting over hangouts next week. I am look forward to giving it a go! I think hangouts will be really useful for staff and students if we end up having to close the school for a period of time. I am going to talk to my teamabout beginning some lessons with our students ASAP.
Hopefully using Toby to organise my tabs will be useful as I am the master of having a million tabs open at once. I might have to add this extension to my personal account too.
The last thing we did today was have a google hangout in a group to discuss the summer learning journey. You can find a screen recording of our groups hangout below.
Thanks for reading my blog.